Monday, March 31, 2008

A visit to Cowboy outside in his pen next to two new beautiful horses that just arrived Friday, looked mostly interested in getting the food out of the bag that had on purpose been made a little harder to chow down. Victoria and I couldn't help ourselves making it a little easier for Cowboy to pull out a piece of a flake that he was getting frustrated getting to. He thanked Victoria by letting her stroke his face a bit which always makes her happy. He seemed content outside in the sunshine and eating from his bag. 

We had such a positive and wonderful review of Cowboys health. It is hoped he will gain another 50 pounds in the next month and then be able to get his dental check up, his sheath cleaned and maybe start a little training. He has come so far from the horse that walked in near death just a while ago. 

Cowboy has made a miraculous recovery. He is now a skinny horse and not an emancipated horse.  

Saturday Cowboy was lead into an arena and became a bucking bronco right out of the rodeo. It was his first time into the arena and he exhausted himself quickly being out of shape and was taken back to rest. 

The next day he was still a little tired but did get a turn on the obstacle course in the corral. He not only poked the barrel but stuck his head inside as well to check it out. He bounced a yellow ball and walked up and down the tarp. He went through the noodles without a problem and had fun playing with all the toys. 

He went from an introverted and tired horse to an extraverted horse full of young intelligence and bright energy and everyone was so excited to see him act as a young horse should, curious with everything around him. 

We are happy Cowboy is doing so well and will keep you posted when we see him again!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Kali visiting Cowboy

As I slowly bicycled my way towards Cowboy's home I imagined seeing Cowboy in a better condition then last time but I never imagined he would be this far along. Since the last time I had seen him he had become more eager to greet all people and looked way better. His fur glistened a little and his reactions and movements were a little faster. He seemed happy to see anyone and created a smile on my face right away. His appearance was finally taking shape to what God intended a horse look like and he was sure looking handsome. I bet he got a whole lot of attention from other horses. His face looked at my sisters and mine a certain way that can't be described, I guess he just looked jazzed to be there. His stall was decorated with pictures and drawings made by his fans. Did I mention that he was eating almost the whole time I was there? He sure can eat. When near Cowboy you can't help but to be extremely happy, because of his story and his personality.

I am so happy to see him doing so well. Until next time Cowboy...keep eating and playing!